
I love animation. I love the study of life; I love observing, analyzing, and searching for subtleties.

Animation combines the study of life in many forms: physically, behaviorally, and emotionally. I believe that it can be called a science in its own way. There is a definite beauty to it and it is a work of art. It is like an orchestra that works together, though it is unconscious. The individual characteristics of certain personalities, the happy, the grim, the good, bad, and the ugly; how it moves, why it moves, the reason it moves...

The beauty of animation encompasses this vast book of knowledge that we develop over the course of our lives.

Animation has inspired our creative minds with tales that most of us can connect to and it will continue to do so. It will spread the wonder, imagination, and creativity, and it will make people laugh, cry, and connect.

I have studied science, and I loved it. I enjoy biology and physics. I love visual arts. And most of all, I adore expressing myself in a way that can entertain others! I want to make you laugh and I want to make you feel. Because after all, it is that that makes us human.

Interests of mine:
  • Animation
  • Art
  • Startups and entrepreneurship
  • Video games
  • Computers
  • Nature, the environment, biology
  • Robots (small, cute ones, mostly)
  • Physics
  • Rock climbing and kayaking
  • Fitness
  • Food
  • Music
The day I stop learning is the day I die. :D