January 14, 2015

Final Film - Finalizing Models and Working on Shaders

I spent my time during the holidays working on textures, shaders, and character rigs.

The Arnold aiStandard or SSS shaders will be layered using Maya's Layered Shader. For the aiStandard, I noted that tweaking the opacity setting in the shader's parameters was required if I wanted to add a gloss over a matted paint layer on metal. A map could be used to add rust or dust, or any other added details. For the SSS in the plant, I followed the tutorial found on Arnold's support suggested to me by a coworker.

Here are some quick renders I saved during the time I worked.

It's a work in progress and there are still many things that require fixing and polishing. There are no textures on the characters as of yet, and I will need to make time to do some, though time is ticking and I need to move onto other steps and assure I do the best I can in all the different areas of the film!