February 20, 2015

Journal Entry - Cinematography

Mid semester is around the corner and my short film is underway. The past couple dozen months have been challenging and now I am on the verge of graduating. I have reached a few conclusions in regards to my career and personal growth.

First, there are many things that I don't like and it is because among these subjects there are others that I greatly enjoy. When I started my studies in animation at Dawson two and a half years ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I tried my best at everything I learned, and I enjoyed doing so because learning about all these new areas of information, just like in a box of assorted chocolates where you are curios about what each chocolate tastes like and are excited to taste something new, you never know what you are going to get. Two years into the program, a special interest starts to take form for me and an appreciation for lighting begins to grow. When you begin to like one thing very much, others appear mediocre and less interesting.

Second, I discovered that liking one thing meant I liked many others. It isn't lighting that I like, it is all that is involved in how a shot looks. How the camera behaves, where the characters sit and how they are framed, the mood created by the lighting and sound, and how all these aspects interact are all tiny parts of a larger whole.

Third, there really is a lot to learn. You realize that someone can spend their entire career specializing on a tiny single part of a huge world. A world that encompasses everything from the physics of color, lenses, and movement to the psychology that lies behind the mind of all that is living, to the understanding of storytelling its power in influencing or entertaining.

Don't know where I am going with this just yet. It might have something to do with this debate in my mind that argues "DO YOU WANT TO SPECIALIZE OR DO YOU WANT VARIETY IN YOUR LIFE?" and at this point, where I feel like I'm right at the beginning, I feel like I don't even need to be thinking about this because I'm nowhere near specialized at the moment and have only barely dipped my toes into an ocean of information.